Wildstar Esper Telekenetic Storm Dmg Stack

  1. Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stack Game
  2. Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stacked
  3. Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stack Mod
  4. Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stack 3

Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stack Game

Telekinetic Storm
1 or more Psi Points
No cooldown
Range 35.0 m
Requires lvl 8
Conjure a storm, lasting for 7s, that erupts upon attaching to a foe or reaching the end of its path.
The storm deals magical damage to 5 foes every 1s.
1PP: 6 dmg per tick
2PP: 10 dmg per tick
3PP: 16 dmg per tick
4PP: 21 dmg per tick
5PP: 27 dmg per tick
Tier Upgrade:
1PP: +0 | 2PP: +0 | 3PP: +0 | 4PP: +1 | 5PP: +1 damage
Tier 4 Major Upgrade:
Pierces 8%/16%/24%/32%/40% Armor.
Tier 8 Major Upgrade:
Applies an Expose for 5s. Expose: Reduces a Deflect Chance by 5%.

Telekinetic Storm is an Esper assault ability available at level 8.

Wildstar is a new MMO from NCSoft, developed by ex-Blizzard developers Carbine Studios. It’s sassy, it’s got some good ideas, but it also seems haunted by the spectre of its spiritual ancestor. Telekinetic Storm Vs. Mind Burst The damage of these finishers are very close when put in comparison and either finisher is viable. If you are newer to Esper I would recommend using Telekinetic Storm over Mind Burst. Mind Burst is reliant on rotating very well to keep the buffs up which can make it hard to maintain solid damage. Sep 08, 2014  Esper leveling/questing build? (self.WildStar) submitted 4 years ago by falados99. I main an Esper. They're pretty self sufficient while levelling. As Deynai stated below, you're too low at this point for a specific build. TK Storm (Best for questing imo) Spectral Swarm (they drain life for you with enough Ability Points, very handy.

  • 1Usage and Strategies

Usage and Strategies

Trash Incinerator

Espers are masters of the mind who tap into powerful psychic energies to lash out and incapacitate enemies or strengthen and protect their friends. The connection between the mind and body is a powerful thing, and no one demonstrates this better than an Esper. WildStar Esper Class Espers are masters of the mind who tap into powerful psychic energies to lash out and incapacitate enemies or strengthen and protect their friends. The connection between the mind and body is a powerful thing, and no one demonstrates this better than an Esper.

Against tightly packed groups of PvE or 'trash' instance mobs, Telekinetic Storm is devastating. Able to hit multiple enemies at once, and following the original target it had latched onto, you can easily use this to clear rooms and make areas much safer. Best combined with an ability like Psychic Frenzy or Blade Dance to herd into the telegraph while still doing damage, and/or a tank who can lure more mobs into the circle of sharp, pointy death.

The ability also stacks, so if the player can generate Psi Points fast enough, they can fire several storms back-to-back. The stacking damage oftentimes causes enemies to just melt away in seconds.


  • WildStar: Reloaded (29 Sep 2015): T4: Armor Pierce reduced to 8%
  • The Protogames Initiative (3 Feb 2015): The Tier 8 when cast at 2 Psi Points will now properly apply the Tier 8 debuff.
    The tooltip for Tier 8 at 5 Psi Points now displays the correct damage dealt in the target tooltip.
  • Patch 12/16/2014 (16 Dec 2014): Now properly procs the AMPs The Power!, Slow It Down, and No Remorse.
  • Patch 09/11/2014 (11 Sep 2014): Will no longer persist if an enemy is killed with it on them.

External links

Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stacked

Retrieved from 'https://wildstar.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=Telekinetic_Storm&oldid=71076'

A library to integrate Esper with Storm.


Esper is GPLv2 licensed, which means that this library is GPLv2 licensed, as well. You can find the licensehere.


Wildstar Esper Telekenetic Storm Dmg Stack

The storm-esper library provides a bolt that allowsyou to use Esper queries on Storm data streams.

The bolt is created via a builder:


The inputs section allows you to define aliases for storm streams and type hints. An input alias defines analias for a Storm stream that can be used in the Esper queries instead of the automatically generated one.By default, the bolt will assign the event name <component id>_<stream id> where component id is the nameof the spout/bolt that generates the data to be fed into the Esper bolt, and stream id is the id of thespecific stream that the Esper bolt is connected to (if the source spout/bolt only has one output, then thisis usually default). The aliasComponent and aliasStream methods allows to define a different name for aspecific stream of a specific component (default in the case of aliasComponent). E.g. in the examplethe stream default of the component some-spout was mapped to the Esper event type Test.Type hints are necessary to give Esper enough information about how to deal with properties of event types.Storm streams are untyped in the sense that Storm itself does not maintain type information for the individualfields in a tuple. On the other hand, Esper requires strongly typed event type definitions. By default,storm-esper will use Object for all properties which works fine for counting, max and min, etc. Howeverfor Esper functions that require numbers (such as sum) this does not work and you'll need to define a typehint. In the example above, fields a and b of the tuples coming from some-spout are declared to be oftype Integer (which is equivalent to int as far as Esper is concerned).


In order to push data from Esper back into Storm, you'll need to specify which streams the bolt will emit(via onDefaultStream for the default stream which is called default, or via onStream for named streams),and also which properties from which event types to emit into these streams (emit method).Basic SELECT esper statements (as in the example above) work on a default anonymous event type. Unless youtell the builder to use a specific event type (with fromEventType), it will assume this default event type.


Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stack Mod

This is basically the list of statements to give to Esper. If the Esper statements generate new events(e.g. insert into <name>), then you can use select these via the fromEventType method in the builderin order to map them to Storm streams. This allows you to generate more than stream from one Esper bolt.

How to get

Wildstar Esper Telekinetic Storm Dmg Stack 3

Use a Maven dependency in your pom.xml: